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Buildings can't move? Yes they can!

“Siemens exiderdome”

Global roadshow, 2005 – 2008 – Designing 1,000 sq. metres of modular exhi­bi­tion space, moving it around the globe and creating local­ized exhi­bi­tion content: B2B- and PR-events are spec­tac­ular feats to accom­plish. 

However, they are highly effi­cient ones, too. OSK moved Siemens’ automa­tion and drives divi­sion right to “the front of the minds” of key stake­holders in the industry, press and poli­tics, and proved its ability to handle chal­lenging project logis­tics and commu­ni­ca­tions alike.

Appear­ances include China, South Korea, Thai­land, Taiwan, the Russian Feder­a­tion and North America.

Honored with the “iF commu­ni­a­tion design award 2007” in the Corpo­rate Archi­tec­ture cate­gory.

“This exhi­bi­tion has little in common with the automa­tion events that take place in unmem­o­rable hotels and conven­tion centers across the country. Judging from a tour of the exider­dome yesterday in Mexico, this partic­ular exhi­bi­tion will be pretty hard to forget.”


“De­troit rocked and you all made that possible. Siemens is very lucky to have such a great partner with such a strong team.”

Kimberly Campbell-Djuric, Account Manager Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. Troy, Michigan