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The Theory of Light

Beijing, 2016 – Continuing the successful series of Design TecDays following 2014 and 2015, OSK leads a “shining” charge to highlight the amazing design of the “eyes” of this year’s Mercedes-Benz models.

To serve as the home base for the media program, the Mercedes me store was selected for its central location in Sanlitun Village – known as one of the trendiest and most fashion-focused neighborhoods in Beijing. As an extension of the TecDay topic, OSK helped create an incredible world of lights, drawing added attention by setting up four exhibition containers in the me store plaza.

Exhibition containers were used as part of the media workshops to leverage Mercedes-Benz models in combination with associated design topics for Mercedes-Benz brand communication. The All New E-Class L was presented in the biggest container, on an illuminated band of light (floor and ceiling) that enhanced the car’s presence. Dimmable interior light allowed for the demonstration of headlight functions and interior ambience lighting, along with a presentation from an Advanced Design Center expert.

Giving the impression of a pop-up museum, using additional show cars, the three smaller containers highlighted light design in three unique ways.

To enlighten guests as they entered the me store, OSK created a special installation: “Individuality – through the eyes of Mercedes-Benz”. As an artsy installation, the Mercedes me store was decorated with a collage of Mercedes-Benz car’s “eyes”, mixed with striking human eyes to underline their similarities – the window into the soul, and the facial expression that defines the character of each car.